The Ultimate Pub Quiz: A Night with Rimmel's Wonder'Bond Mascara Launch

***Adds Pub Quiz Host to LinkedIn Work experience 🎤đŸĒŠ

I'm literally OBSESSED with the cool places my work takes me. On Monday it took me down to the Cotswolds where I hosted a Pub Quiz in partnership with Rimmel to celebrate the launch of their latest mascara Wonder'Bond

Make-up + English Sparkling wine + a massive dollop of healthy competition anyone?

The goal? To create an interactive experience that not only showcased Rimmel's latest innovation but also fostered connections and knowledge sharing among attendees. The group started a bit cautious and shy but they were the loudest room in the town once we got to calculating the results 😂

Big thank you to the teams and people that made this happen

In a world where social media reigns supreme, hosting bland and uninspired brand events simply won't cut it. So, if you're planning your next big gathering and you're in need of a host to take it to the next level, don't hesitate to reach out. Let's make some magic happen together! ❤ī¸

Images by Michaela Tornaritis


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